Масть карт на английском, Лексика по теме «Карты (игральные)» (Cards) - англо-русский глоссарий с транскрипцией

Масть карт на английском

Устаревшее значение этого слова - Чёрт. Можно легко сказать three twos — три двойки. Название цвета в таких выражениях не всегда означает именно цветовую принадлежность. Все материалы онлайн тесты тесты для контрольных.

A deck of 36 cards limits the number of players to six, although some variants allow more than one deck to be used.

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A six-player game with one deck is not optimal, however, because it gives a considerable advantage to the player who attacks first, and a considerable disadvantage to the player who defends first. If multiple games have been played, often the loser of the previous game shuffles and deals. The starting player is the first attacker.

Карточные масти и термины на английском языке

After each turn play proceeds clockwise. If the attack fails, the defender becomes the next attacker.

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The attacker opens the turn by playing one card face up on the table as an attacking card. In the basic podkidnoy подкидной, "throw-in" variant, and in most other variants of durak, the defender has to immediately attempt defense in response to the initial attack.

In the perevodnoy переводной, "passing" variant, the defender may choose to either attempt defense or to pass the attack on clockwise around the table.

In this case, the defender may only pass on the attack if he has in his or her hand a card of the same rank as the attacking card or cards. To pass on the attack, he adds this card to the attacking cards.

Игральные карты и масти на английском 🇬🇧 с переводом и произношением

The defender now becomes the new attacker, and the player to his or her left becomes the new defender and must beat all cards. The new defender must then decide upon a response for this new attack. In games involving four or fewer players, it is perfectly possible for the attack to pass all the way around the table, so that the original attacker ends up defending against his or her own attack and against three other attacks of the same rank. Aces are high. Trumps always beat non-trump cards regardless of rank e.

Карточные масти и термины на английском языке с переводом на русский

The defender attempts to beat the attacking cards by playing defending cards from their hand. One card is played in defense of each attacking card. Non-trump attacking cards may be beaten by either a a higher card of the same suit or b a trump. Trump attacking cards may only be beaten by higher trumps. The defending cards are placed on top of the attacking cards so that players can keep track of which card is defending against which.

The defender must also defend against these new cards. If the defender is unwilling or unable to beat all attacking cards, he must pick up all the cards on the table—including all the cards the attackers pitched in—and incorporate them into his or her hand. At this point, the defense is abandoned.

The defender may choose to abandon the defense at any point during the turn. This immediately ends the turn. If, however, the defender has beaten all attacking cards, and no other players are willing or able to add more, the defender has triumphed. The turn ends, all cards on the table are discarded from play to a discard pile, and play passes to the left: the successful defender opens the next turn as the new attacker.

At the end of each turn, whether or not the defense was successful, the following action is performed: starting from the main attacker, followed by anyone else who contributed cards, and culminating with the defender, each player with fewer than six cards in their hand must draw cards from the deck until they have six cards in their hand.

When the deck runs out of cards, play simply carries on without any more cards being drawn. At this point, when someone runs out of cards, they are done with the game, and everyone else continues. Each player draws as many cards as they need e. Так же английские слова по теме игральные карты могут встретиться вам в кино и сериалах. Для того, чтобы назвать карту по масти и номиналу необходимо назвать сначала номинал карты, а затем после предлога of ее масть, например:.

Название цвета в таких выражениях не всегда означает именно цветовую принадлежность. Читать далее Цвета на английском языке Цвета окружают нас повсюду и в этой подборке собраны названия цветов на английском языке, которые помогут сделать ваше общение более ярким и насыщенным, а так же помогут осуществлять покупки, так как все вещи имеют тот или иной цвет и он является основной их характеристикой, зачастую решающей при выборе цвета одежды или мебели.

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О картах на английском языке | Блог Свободы Слова

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Карточные термины в английском языке

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Символизм масти карт